If you are familiar with Web3, NFT’s and crypto currencies, you know that there is an underlying dependency on well-defined and developed Smart contracts. If you are not sure what that term means, buckle up, we are jumping right into it.
A smart contract is a self-executing digital agreement between two or more parties. It contains terms and conditions written into lines of code that are stored on a blockchain, meaning they are immutable and secure. In other words, the terms of the agreement cannot be changed without consent of all parties involved.
The code can control the transfer of data, currency, assets, and other digital items. For example, if two parties are entering into a contract to exchange money and goods, the code can be written to specify when cash payments must be made, how much will be paid, what goods will be exchanged, and even when the ownership of real goods will be transferred.
Writing smart contracts is a complex process, typically written by software developers with a background in cryptography, mathematics, and computer science. They must have an understanding of the code and technology behind blockchain, as well as the legal ramifications of the contracts they are creating.
It’s important for a smart contract writer to be familiar with all of the different aspects related to programming languages. In spite of these variety of skills, it’s not uncommon to run into bugs along the way. But fear not, with the right tools and techniques, you can test and debug Smart contracts like a pro.
Having lived all stages of the software development lifecycle, I know personally that the requirements and testing phases of the project are often overlooked. Let’s face it, software developers love to code, figuring out cool solutions to problems. The issue is making sure the solution is fixing the desired “problem”.
The best way to overcome this problem is to leverage an existing contract platform, such as Ethereum, the world’s first smart and still most popular contract platform. From this baseline, the designers can define what features and capabilities the developer should include.
Testing is also an essential step in the development process, and it’s crucial to ensure that your contracts are functioning as intended before deploying them to the blockchain. One of the most popular tools for testing contracts is Truffle, which is a development environment, testing framework, and asset management tool for Ethereum.
With Truffle, you can write and run tests for your contracts and verify that they’re working as expected. Another tool for testing smart contracts is Remix, which is an online development environment for the Ethereum blockchain. It has a built-in testing framework and is great for testing code modules. Remix is also useful for testing contract interaction, as it allows you to easily import and deploy contracts.
In conclusion, developing and testing Smart contracts can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s a relatively straightforward process. Whether you’re using Truffle, Remix, or a combination of tools, the key is to be patient and persistent. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be debugging your contracts like a pro in no time!
One final note, if you are interested in meeting with the leaders of Web3, you might want to check out the Breathe convention. The conference will connect over 5,000 like-minded founders, technologists, visionaries, content creators and hopefully, you.